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Coqueta and Altanera
Кем разработано:mool + foráneo
По заказу:mool
Страна :Мексика

The inspiration to create these designs comes from a slight critic of our society that puts the external appearance before the things that matter and must be the foundation of a healthy and better society. So this proposal invites the user to overthrow those walls and taboos of "ideal appearance" and promotes the consistent self-esteem due this is the foundation of self-acceptance and personal respect. In the past, these furniture items similar to a little dressing table in coordination with a mirror (typically used by women for beauty purposes) used to be called "Coquetas". Here is where our curiosity for working with objects as mirrors was born. Nowadays, mirrors (not exclusive to any gender), are yet related to vanity and daily purposes of personal appearance. We turned that curiosity into two furniture items: Coqueta and Altanera. Coqueta, based on its colors and simple material, represents that side of the Mexican society that no matter what is always facing adversity in the most optimistic way. This item is ideal for vivid places and fearless of color. Fun and honest.. On the other side we have Altanera, with a sober composition on its materials and its presence, represents the arrogance and that need of superiority. Its luxury and obsession for details makes Altanera the perfect piece to match spaces with a higher demand for elegance. Coqueta and Altanera, two items with the same value but a different presence.